Saturday, October 08, 2005

Can't you stop that horrible noise?

The people over the road are having a party. I'm not a complete misanthrope, and so this does not, per se, cause me any kind of existential angst. Unfortunately, however, it does coincide with the maintainence bods having come and fixed all the radiators in our house. It's now like living in a sauna and, despite this being early October, I am forced to sleep with both my windows open and no pyjamas. (Sorry for the unfortunate mental image, but sometimes these things have to be said). Today came a minor breakthrough, as I worked out how to turn off the radiator in my room, thus reducing the temperature from Saharan to merely tropical. Thank heavens for small mercies.

In other news, I had my first rehearsal with a new choir today, and I think I acquitted myself relatively well. The problem with being Welsh, though, is that one carries the burden of one's entire race, musically speaking. We are simply expected to sing well, just as the French are expected to make love well, the Italians are expected to make food well, the English are expected to make complaints well, and the Canadians... Erm... Anyone?...


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