Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The army of unalterable law

Who'd have thought that an Oxford professor could have designed himself such an excellent website? I know John Gardner only by reputation (which is quite impressive enough) but a lawyer who can cook has to be a good thing, eh?

So, what else? I've been having an argument about biblical inerrancy which I have now realised was completely futile in the face of utter obstinacy. (Not something of which I've ever been accused myself, of course...) If only Anglo-Saxon literature had any real arguments left in it - not just the dating of Beowulf or what the word "cellod" means, but some honest-to-goodness life-or-death debates. I'm going to have to become a lawyer, you know. Ironic to have parents who try to talk me out of a well-paid and prestigious career where I can spend a large proportion of my time wearing a suit and the rest reading books. Do I romanticize, I ask myself?

My housemates are still ridiculously good looking. It keeps me in my place.


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